school project
Who is it for

EcoActive Schools Network

Projects, events and best practices in Varese Province's schools

We dedicate this special place to the schools where projects and educational paths about sustainability have been successfully implemented.

The EcoActive Schools Network

  • gives value to the work of teachers and students

  • presents the details of their projects to show the quality of the proposals they submit and to make their acquired knowledge accessible

  • allows for enhanced collaboration between different schools
See the schools' projects in the dedicated online section: EcoActive Schools Network

Become a green school
Varese Province and Agenda 21 for the Lakes , in partnership with Cast n.g.o. encourage you to participate in the experimental project of closely following and supporting a school's bid to obtain a Green School certificate.

Managed by:
Provincia di Varese - Area IV Ambiente e Territorio - Ufficio Sostenibilità Ambientale

Segnala la tua buona pratica sostenibile, compilando ed inviando il modulo di autocandidatura al seguente indirizzo email:
