Local sustainable actions, Formazione, workshop, family workshop, laboratori per le scuole, reused material, creative reuse
Who is it for

What is Varese's ReMida Center?

A space dedicated to creative reuse

ReMida Varese opened in the Voltorre Cloister in Gavirate (VA). Schools can take part in creative workshops, as well as families, giving parents and children an opportunity to create by reusing waste material.

ReMida is a pedagogical program born of the Reggio Children experience. This is an original approach to environmental education and teaching through innovative and creative use of waste material.

The activities of ReMida Varese center:

Workshops for schools

Workshops for families

Emporium of waste materia

Tutorials for teachers, parents, operators, and businesses.

Installations and Events for businesses and institutions


Follow us on Facebook

Contacts: tel 0039 0332 1695321  - 0039 348 3010257 - 0039 328 2367763

mail: remida.varese@gmail.com

Chiostro di Voltorre di Gavirate (VA) - Piazza Chiostro, 23 - 21026 Gavirate

Managed by:
Altrementi, Provincia di Varese - Area IV Ambiente e Territorio - Ufficio Sostenibilità Ambientale

Scarica per scoprire i laboratori per le scuole dell'infanzia e scuole primarie
