abbandono dei rifiuti, Cassetta degli Attrezzi per la scuola, results dissemination, green school, monitoraggio, monitoring waste dumping, report
Who is it for


Data and information on the waste management system in the province of Varese.

How much waste we produce? As you collect the waste? where they end up the waste? They are actually recycled? separate collection is improving or getting worse?

To answer these questions every year the Waste Observatory of the Province of Varese public the Provincial Report on Waste Management by analyzing and evaluating complex system of management of municipal waste in the province of Varese.

Through various indicators and thematic maps you can learn about the current situation and the dynamics on the production, collection and disposal of waste of all 139 municipalities in Varese province.

For schools and teachers engaged in education activities to sustainable development, the Provincial Reports on Waste Management can be a useful support tool for teaching on the subject wastes set on the basis of the provincial and municipal area information.

Reports on Waste Management is available here